How to apply Tomato as face mask Overnight : 5 Ways to Apply Tomato on Face

Image Source - Youtube Channel of Tanutalks

Tomato face masks give best results when kept on skin overnight. Here is presenting the 5 ways to use tomato on face overnight to get desired results.

Tomato is very common vegetable in every household which is found throughout the year so it is very easily available vegetable. It is favorite among beauty conscious people around the world for its abilities to whiten your skin, even out your complexion, shrinking large pores  and making your face oil-free. Tomato can be used in various beauty applications as you have read in article written before. Tomato face masks give best results when they are used overnight. Overnight face mask will let the natural goodness of tomato get sealed ito your skin well. Let us learn the best 5 ways to use tomato overnight.

Although tomato can be used with several other ingredients to beautify your skin. Tomato honey face pack is most popular for making your skin fair and glowing but keeping this on your skin for long can be really messy so here I am telling you about best tomato face mask for overnight treatment.

How to Use Tomato on Face Overnight


Tomato and olive oil face mask for face whitening

Ingredients you will need

2 spoons of tomato juice

One spoon of extra virgin olive oil

How to use this mask?

Squeeze a big tomato to extract its juice along with seeds. To this, mix one spoon of extra virgin olive oil and then apply this on your face. Massage gently for 5 minutes to let the oil seep into your face well. Keep this face mask on face overnight. Regular usage of this recipe makes your complexion fairer and glowing.

Why this recipe works? 

Tomato has anti-oxidants and antityrosinase properties that lighten your skin and protect your skin from damage. Olive oil is rich in oleic acid and squaline that fight free radicals  that cause skin darkening and dark patches. So both ingredients work in combination to give your fairer-looking skin.

How often should you use this recipe?

Use this recipe every night for best results.

2. Tomato juice  and lemon juice for clear skin

Ingredients you will need

2 spoons of lemon juice

2 spoons of tomato juice

How to use this face mask

Squeeze the juice out of tomato and lemon. Blend lemon juice and tomato juice in equal measure and dab on your perfectly cleansed face. Use this face mask at bed time and keep this on face overnight. Wash off in the morning with cold water.

Why this face mask is so beneficial for skin

Tomato has lycopene that protects your skin from photo damage and UV rays that make tomato a natural sunscreen. And lemon is rich in ascorbic acid that lightens scars and blemishes naturally. So amazing blend of these two ingredients works to make your skin clear and flawless.

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