Behind every strong resistance to tyranny and subjugation, behind every calculated and consolidated attempt to exact political power control, behind every divine mandate from Almighty God, behind every refusal to accept third - fifth class citizenship order, behind every move made by man to push forward his full potentials on Earth. Powers must rise to contend it.
The incorruptible road- map to our freedom and victory as Biafrans must be questioned, and from day to day scrutinized to ward off systemic corruption and internal defects. Both human and mechanical gadgets that refused routine maintenance is liable to breakdown and possible premature death. Whereas, a conscious routine maintenance brings the best performance in both human and mechanical machines.
Having followed the administrative mechanism and organogram of IPOB worldwide, I must confess ,I m highly impressed with the administrative qualities of the Leadership. But I must submit as a free liberal mind that Leadership must do every thing within it's powers to re - educate our fans and mostly Facebook fighters, very, very important.
My findings of recent has it that many still needed to be guided in this struggle. There is the need to re- educate our fans and fighters mostly online, our peaceful approach must be seen to be total and absolute, both within Biafra and outside Biafra. No doubt our peaceful dispositions has won millions to our side, and we can't afford to insult endlessly on Facebook and other social interactive media.
A conscious effort to this effect by IPOB can immensely stand down the fifth columnists parading as our fighters but indirectly destroying our struggle,. The battle is of the Lord God, and we can't allow any compromise on our path to freedom.
A code of conduct and reactionary acts could help from IPOB to re position our online image currently bastardised by elements against our freedom. Very important.
But on the contrary, we could continue to war against same system we earnestly needed to facilitate our freedom. We must fight to win like Samson, but can be destroyed too by a lady from hell.
Mike Okoria: writing for justice, liberty and freedom.