…says restructuring way out
A clergy Rev. Emmanuel Ogbonnaya of the Presbyterian Church, Nigeria, Solid Rock Parish, Umuahia believes that lack of love in the society has given rise to the insecurity challenges the country is currently facing.
In a sermon on “The Benefits of Love” from the family, the immediate society, the church and to the entire nation, Rev. Ogbonnaya said “We have discovered that Nigeria has actually slided so much into a loveless society and that has also affected the church because you discover that there is discrimination and apathy between members, people tend to align with those who speak the same language with them or from the same place where they come from or those with biological relationship, rather than look for the relationship that is in Christ.
“Recall that Christ himself loved us and gave Himself, died and shed his blood, that was the climax of the display of love.”
Continuing, he said “The creation of more states have had it’s way of further dividing us as a nation rather than uniting us. And of course that has ultimately affected the security of the nation that has resulted in to killings and agitations in different regions of the country.
“This is so because we have decided to abandon the love of Christ to chase earthly things and materials and for this, the security if Nigerians can no longer be guaranteed, notwithstanding the promises of government to tackle it”.
He said the way out of the challenges the nation is facing is restructuring and resource control by the different regions as it were before the current system of government.
“If we want to be honest, I will say the nation called Nigeria is a forced marriage and if we have to live together, like some people have advocated for, there is need for restructuring of the entire nation.
“I believe that if Nigeria is restructured for ethnic nationalities and regions to have a say in their own affairs, it would be easier, better and more humane.
” So I think restructuring and resource control could be a panacea for the problems if Nigeria both politically and economically because every region would strive to be economically viable” he said.
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