The Statement of Sir Ahmadu Bello On October 12, 1960. Days After Independence

October 1, 1960
After about 100 years of British imperialism, the country obtained independence from the colonialists. Consequently, the Northern Peoples Congress (NPC) and the National Convention of Nigerian Citizens (NCNC) formed a coalition government that took over from Great Britain. Under this arrangement, the late Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa Balewa of the NPC became the first prime minister of the newly independent Nigeria, while the late Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe of the NCNC became the nation’s governor-general. Consequently, Nigeria adopted the parliamentary system of government as practised by its colonial masters.

October 12, 1960
Less than two weeks after Nigeria obtained independence, a defunct newspaper, THE PARROT, published a shocking comment by the then Premier of Northern Nigeria, Sir Ahmadu Bello, where he was quoted to have said: “The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather, Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the North as willing tools and the South as a conquered territory and never allow them to have control over their future.”

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