Forget It, Nigeria Can Never Work Again


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By Emeka Obasi

Compatriots, please let us wake up from this dream. Enough of expectations, there is no way Nigeria can do better than we are seeing now. As they say in computer lingo, garbage in, garbage out.

As we enter 2019, I want to make it clear to the world that this fraud called Nigeria cannot work. Those who do not want to face reality are part of why we are where we are today.

I am tired of praying for Nigeria to work. God destroyed Sodom for the evil that engulfed the place. Worse things are happening in this country today and some of those who keep the people in perpetual bondage are given prime positions in places of worship.

The different nationalities that make up Nigeria were not alien to themselves. They did a lot together before the arrival of the Europeans. There is so much between the Bini and Lagos, Yoruba that you find the white apparel common among the royals.

Eko is indeed, a Bini word and even Oba Akiolu does not hide his identity as descendant from Edo. The story of Ife and the burial place of past Bini kings  known even if it is debatable.

Some Igbo words are also close to what one finds in Yoruba and Bini languages. Take Ewu for instance, the Igbo word for goat. In Yoruba, it is ewure. Abeokuta in Yoruba means place of rocks. That would be ebeokute in Igbo.

When the Igbo talk of enwe, it is all about monkey which is eme in Bini. Till date, before the Obi of Isele Uku is crowned, he travels to the Oba’s palace in Benin and spends time there as part of an age long ceremony.

Someone told me that just like the Japanese use the word Nippon [Land of the Rising Sun] for their country and Germans refer to their country as Deutschland, the word Yoruba is alien to the South-West. They fancy Oduduwa.

Yoruba, I understand, is a corruption of the word ‘Yaribawa,’ which was used by Trans Saharan traders from the savannah to describe their partners from western side of the of the tropics.

Why we have a big problem today and have not found a way out is because Europeans came to Africa and obtained territories by trick [OBT]. Our ancestors were forced to sign documents which they did not understand.

How did you expect King Jaja to cede territory to people he neither invited nor understood. And for standing up for his right, the imperialists made the Amaigbo slave turned merchant look like a man without balls.

As the Europeans descended on mother Africa, they raped the people of all vestiges of decency. We had our palm wine and gin. The white man brought rum that made us rumble with guns.

Instead of facing the real enemy, the intruder, liquor from Europe made our strong men long for the blood of their kinsmen. They were high and knew not what they did. Slavery boomed and made millionaires out of moles.

The Igbo had little regard for the colonial masters who came from England. Our forebears called them ‘Ndi Ngulodu.’ The belief was that the white man was cursed to live beyond the seas.

And because the Cochranes, Winterbottoms and  Meirs wore shoes, our people thought they were leprous. That was how the Igbo word for a victim of leprosy [onye oria ocha] was shortened to give the white man a name [onye ocha].

The Europeans who devoured Africa were mostly rejects from their respective countries. Lord Frederick Lugard was a failure in India and Afghanistan. In Nigeria, he became a hero and joined us together in what has remained a monumental disaster.

His wife, Flora Shaw, had enjoyed the good things of life from Cecil Rhodes after whom Rhodesia was named. And she found a name for this land. It became Nigeria, an amalgam of over 250 nationalities.

Africa’s fate was decided in Berlin. It was a conference on Africa but Africans were not represented. Those who benefitted immensely were

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