Just like  moses in the  bible story whose zeal was to ensure the freedom of the Israelis in Egypt, despite the wickedness of pharoh and his people towards moses and the Israelites he never give up but continued tenaciously to defend the course of freedom.

This is similar to NNAMDI KANU's unrelenting quest for the freedom of Biafra. Nigeria government has done  everything possible to stop him and IPOB but they have failed woefully  because no man can stop the Spirit of Biafra. This inhumane treatment he was subjected to has made him a die h6ard lion.

In every generation God always have a redemptive way   to deliver his people from the house of bondage, ours are not different,  as he sent moses to Egypt so also do He sent MAZI NNAMDI KANU for a special course of liberating the entire Africa  from mental slavery and ignorance.

He is doing it with every amount of seriousness, proven to  the enemies of Biafra how undefeatable he is. He has demonstrated this lion character to Britain, Nigeria,  buhari, and  those  Eastern governors even to  Ohaneze ndi Igbo. Any battle he engaged himself into, he makes sure that he triumph victoriously .

NNAMDI KANU can not be compared with any other freedom fighters  on earth because his own belief, Ideology, and formula are totally different from others who has engaged themselves in  freedom fighting .  There is every  tendeny that on the process of freedom  fighting, either you are jailed or they kill you.
  And in the process of trying to escape from  this, some choose to   go to exile . 

NNAMDI KANU has defeated Nigeria in their cangaro  court, came back home and toured the whole of Biafraland untill the Nigerian terrorist soldiers invaded his home and took him away to an unknown  destination .  I  call  him  "INDOMITABLE LION" of Biafra because he has never entertain fear or give room to intimidation in anything that he is doing.

Looking at the analysis of his first name "NNAMDI"
N- Never to accept defeat.
N- Never afraid of my enemies.
A- Always focus and stable.
M- Must stand to defend freedom
D- Destroy the enemies of freedom
I- Impossibility never exist in my dictionary.

All these features were his attributes no wonder he is being jealoused by those  men of no reputation.
Through Radio Biafra London broadcast,  NNAMDI KANU has produced   millions of lion who has chosen to die as  free men and women  rather than living as a slave.

He has maintained that Biafra shall  be restored under his leadership and under his watch  and  through his action, he  has demonstrated it.

God bless Nnamdi kanu,
God bless IPOB,
God bless the republic of Biafra.

Written by chikaodiri Nwele Success

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