Why do we need Biafra?.

Written by Chimonic

It is  obvious  to note that the name Biafra is not a 1967-1970 affair,  meaning that Biafra  predates that date. It's as old as the  African continent.
Biafra is an Ancient Kingdom located at the Western Part of Africa,  they (BIAFRANS) were originated from  the Sun that  People called the Summers (Afro Race).

Biafrans were also the originator of the oldest and first ever known Civilization known as the “Kwa Civilization".
BIAFRA was in Existence even before the first Ancient Arabs or Europeans stepped their foot in the Land of Africa,  “Afara Nri Ka". Biafra as a nation  is over 6000 years old,  older than the Greek, Romans or even the British People. Ancient Biafra was been Ruled by an Ancient Godman “Lord Afara "

To bring our mind  to the current issue of BIAFRA from 1967 where the Eastern Consultative Forum (Eastern Leaders and Elders) mandated the then Governor  “People General, Late Dim  Chukwuemeka Odumegwu  Ojukwu" to declare the region as an Independent state of BIAFRA.
Which should be free from
  the British creation called Nigeria.

Because of  the Targeted mass killing and genocide of their People in the Northern and Western Part of the Country called Nigeria,
the  killings continued for months without the federal Government headed by Gowon doing something  to disrupt it.   This and so many other reasons was the main cause for the declaration of BIAFRA in 1967.

Those perceived, Seen and Acknowledged Issues that lead to the people of Eastern Region (South East and South South) to pull out from the forceful union f the British Creation Nigeria are still very Much in  Existence today.
Owing to the fact that they wanted a total destruction or Elimation but with only 128 Rifles in the whole Eastern Region,  we stood the War for 30 months and they (Nigeria,  Britain,  Arab league, USSR etc) did not find it easy as the war continues.

To start answering the Question "Why we need Biafra",
I must continue with this:
I am a full blooded Biafran  from birth,  I was born in the early 90s,  my parent would always remind me that we are not in any way connected to  Hausa Fulani or Yoruba due  to the Atrocities done to them in the 60s. 

My parents fought gallantly  for their  nation Biafra,  if the treaty between the Royal Niger Company that came for Trade purpose only were all signed with the people of Biafra and not Nigeria that  I must reaffirm that I am a Biafran.

The name Nigeria was coined from two English Word NIGER meaning Black and AREA meaning a given Location, the word Nigeria was first suggested in an Article written by the Sex mate of Frederick Lugurad, "Flora Shaw in the Times Newspaper 1897." In 1914 Lugurad merged the Royal Niger Company known as the Southern Protectorate and the Northern Colony/Protectorate and gave  it the Name Nigeria.

Meaning therefore that before 1914, there was no place or people known  as Nigeria or Nigerians. So I asked again what was our name before that  1914? I reject been given a Name by a Stranger,  because am not an  Animal.

Having seen the great attributes in the people of the eastern region (BIAFRANS), the British rigged the first census,  thereby giving the federal power to the Northerners (illerate Islamic Radicals)
Nigeria as a British Creation from day One has not been working because of the 3 divergent Value System, where we have Sharia, Christianity and traditionalist.

The Constitution of the Contraption called Nigeria is a Military Constitution conducted  by one Islamic Jihadist in which those that are  involved   was not consulted  before it was  finally written and passed into law.

Biafra is the only thing that can save the black race from mental slavery.
I could recall what Harold Wilson the then Prime Minister of Britain said "That they do not want another Japan again" Because in the midst of War BIAFRANS could be able to develop their own Rocket Science, Aircraft and also Refine our Own Petroleum product. It would surprise you to note that there was Steady supply of Electricity in the Eastern region despite the War.

  Black  man will never ever  become  something on  this   planet  Earth if Biafra is not Restored "Knowing fully well that in  Biafra Africa Died".We  need Biafra so as  to start  Surviving and Start Living as human beings for with  Nigeria,  our future is not guaranteed. But when  Biafra is restored,  we will have total control over our lives and  our natural resources.

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